Your Business IT Asistant

IT 虚拟全职助理

如果您的企业还不需要一个全职IT,但工作中依然会遇到一些技术需要解决,我们相当于您的 WFH 全职员工,随时及时处理日常遇到的各类问题,又能大大节约成本。很少的成本拥有一个7*24的IT专家,让您有更多的时间投入公司的管理。IT Assistant and Support: Whether a startup or an established business, we handle your daily IT issues—offering troubleshooting, data backup and recovery, and upgrade solutions. We don't sell hardware, ensuring unbiased advice and business-friendly solutions. For any purchases, we provide at least two recommendations for mainstream brands and models, empowering clients to make informed decisions.

我们会帮你设计重要数据的存储和备份策略,让任何时候都能及时回复,比如无论电脑损坏还是被盗,都仅仅损失硬件成本,数据能够及时回复,可电话咨询详细信息.Data Security and Backup: We design and optimize your current information security strategy, implementing robust backup plans to minimize the risk of data theft or ransomware attacks. Our routine maintenance ensures ongoing protection, preventing significant losses for your business.

云服务器维护, 比如亚马逊AWS, 阿里云,Google云 等

我们可代理维护您的云服务We assist in managing your cloud services, such as AWS and Google Cloud, eliminating the need for a full-time or part-time employee. Ensure the security and smooth operation of your cloud assets without the staffing overhead.

  • 快速响应. 我们能及时响应你的问题,无需在出了故障再到处找人解决,同时我们会提前优化方案和日常维护,能大大降低故障发生的概率。
  • Lower Cost and No Risk低成本低风险. 我们有为各类客户成功开发和设计的经验,同时通过不同地区和国家的工程师配合优化成本,能为客户低成本高效快速开发Through collaboration between our Silicon Valley, India, and China teams, along with strategic task allocation, we significantly reduce costs. We only charge the majority of development fees upon successful testing and deployment, ensuring zero risk for our clients. and We are legally registered in multiple countries, paying local taxes. As a cloud-based entity without unnecessary expenses like office rent, we strive to help clients leverage cutting-edge technology at minimal costs.
  • Update and Upgrade更新和升级. 我们能及时响应更新和升级,以保证更灵活的适应客户的业务In the ever-evolving field of information technology, we provide timely updates to keep pace with advancements. As your business evolves, facing new challenges and requirements, we collaborate to ensure timely upgrades to meet your growing needs.

Schedule a complimentary phone or Zoom consultation with us.

Deep Tech Pro